Pratyahara, the fifth limb in Ashtanga yoga, means to consciously withdraw energy from the senses and the world. In yoga one way to begin to understand it is to practice the corpse pose. By remaining motionless and letting go of all stress and tension, you begin to achieve a wonderful state of stillness while the world goes on around you. You achieve a state of nonreaction—like a leaf floating on the water, you are in the world, but not of it.
Virabhadra is the “spiritual warrior,” who bravely does battle with the universal enemy, self-ignorance (avidya), the ultimate source of all our suffering.
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Photo by Eileen MacAvery Kane
Spring Equinox is celebrated as the first day of Spring, when day and night are equal in both hemispheres.
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Photo by Eileen MacAvery Kane
According to Hindu myth, gods ride on birds. Many yoga poses are inspired by birds, Pigeon, Eagle, Peacock, Swan, Crane, Heron, Rooster, and Partridge.
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