
The first chakra, the root chakra (Muladhara), is associated with our most basic survival instincts: food, shelter, health, and security. This chakra relates to our connection to the earth, physical world, and ground beneath our feet. A balanced first chakra connects us to the earth and brings:

  • a sense of safety
  • physical health and strength
  • trust and acceptance of one’s self and place in the world
  • groundedness
  • a connection to others

Emotional Issues: fear, anxiety, insecurity, vulnerability, grief, depression, greed, distrust, self-centered, low self-esteem

Physical Issues: lower back pain, sciatica, constipation, hemorrhoids, prostrate problems, varicose veins, anorexia, obesity

Associated body parts: coccyx, large intestine, adrenal glands, back, legs, feet, bones

Location: Base of spine
Sanskrit: Muladhara
Spirit Animal: Elephant
Color: Deep Red
Mantra: Lam
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Food: Protein (eg. Soy, tofu, nuts, legumes)
Gemstones and crystals: Garnet, Onyx, Hematite, Obsidian
Essential oils: Bergamet, Sandalwood, Vetiver
Flower essences: Blackberry, Clematis, Corn
Yoga asana: Virabhadrasana I (warrior I)
Beneficial activities: Yoga, Walking, Hiking, Running, Biking, Gardening

Root Chakra Art and Apparel:

Muladhara Canvas Print

Muladhara Canvas Print

Root Chakra Mantra Tank Top

Root Chakra Mantra Tank Top

Om Chakra Mantra T-shirt

Om Chakra Mantra T-shirt


The local resources listed here are some my personal favorites in the Hudson Valley, check them out: